Milestones of the history of Bratislava

Samuel Walters perspective

5000 years before Christ - the oldest archeologically confirmed settlement

100 years b.C.  - Celtic oppidum of the Boya tribe, trade and administrative
                  center, probable center of Celtic empire in Danube region

1st - 4th century - Under Roman Empire

5th - 6th century - arrival of Slav tribes

623 - 658 - Samo's Empire, the first Slav state form

9th century - The Great Moravian Empire, military, religious and administrative
              center existed on the Bratislava Castle

864 - the first mention of Devin - Dowina, fortress on the bank of Morava river
      (Fuldish Annals)

907 - the first written mention of Bratislava - Brezalauspurc
      (Salzburg Annals). The name probably originates from the name of
      Slav duke - Braslav.

10th-11th century - the castle becomes border fortress of Hungarian Kingdom

1000-1038 - Coins with "Breslava Civitas" (City Bratislava) were minted.

1052 - German king Henrich III took the city and the castle.

1189 - Meeting place of the third crusade led by Friedrich I. Barbarossa

1291 - City got the privileges from king Andrew III.

1302 - Rudolf, Austrian ally of Karl Robert, took the city.
     - The first appearance of city seal.

1376 - Guilds got their statues from the city.

1405 - Zigmund the Luxembourg gives the rights of free royal city to Bratislava,
       in 1430 also the minting privilege and in 1436 the coat-of-arms.

1432 - Husites attempt to take the city; conspiracy was disclosed.

1464 - Mathias Corvinius confirms the city rights; in 1465 he founds
       Academia Istropolitana - the first university in Slovak area.

1468 - Mathias Corvinius gives the city the right of sword.

1526 - After the Mohacs battle Hungarian parliament appoints in 1536 Bratislava
       the capital of Hungarian Kingdom and the residence of the parliament.
       Ferdinand I. Hapsburgs was appointed the king.

1536 - The first coronation in Bratislava - Maximilian I.

1606 - City was besieged by the army of Stefan Bockay, leader of the uprising
       against Hapsburgs.

1607 - protestant grammar school was founded.

1619-1621 - The city and the castle were occupied by Gabriel Bethlen, leader
            of another anti-Hapsburg uprising.

1626 - archbishop Peter Pazmany invites Jesuits.

1671 - Members of anti-Hapsburg conspiracy were judged. Mikulas Drabik,
       priest, was executed.
1673 - Samuel Walter grew up in the outer skirts of the city
1683 - The great Vizier, Kara Mustafa lay seize to Vienna and Pressburg. 
1698 - Russian Czar Peter the Great visited the city. Samuel did not see this. 
1704 - Soldiers of Rakoczi took the suburbs, but Eugene from Savoy managed
       to keep the city.

1705 - The first journal, Mercurius Veridicus ex Hungaria is published

1710-1711 - Plague epidemic kills 3800 people.

1714-1749 - Mathias Bel, polyhistor, known as "The decoration of Hungary"
            was rector of protestant grammar school.

1721-1722 - The first newspaper "Nowa Posoniensia" was printed.

1741 - Maria Theresia was crowned.

1762 - Six years old W.A. Mozart gives a concert in Palffy palace.

1764 - Since 1764 a newspaper "Pressburger Zeitung" was published.

1775 - The city walls were destroyed to allow the expansion of the city.

1776 - The first city theatre was opened.

1780 - The first manufacture was opened (cloth production).

1782 - Number of inhabitants reached 29223.

1783 - The city is no more the capital of Hungarian Kingdom.

1783 - The first Slovak newspaper "Presspurske Nowiny" is published.
       The first Slovak novel of J.I. Bajza "Rene mladenca prihody
       a skusenosti" is published.

1784 - The General Seminary was opened. Royal Academy was moved from Trnava
       to Bratislava.

1787 - A. Bernolak, a student of theology publishes the first norm of Slovak
       language (Filologicko-kriticka rozprava o slovenskych pismenach).

1803 - The Dept. of Czechoslovak Speech and Literature was created and
       led by prof. Juraj Palkovic.

1805 - In Prima's Palace a peace treaty between Austria and France was signed
       (known as Bratislava Peace).

1809 - Napoleon's army besieges the city. Napoleon visits the city.

1811 - The castle was burnt.

1818 - The first steam boat "Carolina" comes to the city.

1820 - Nine years old Franz Liszt plays in de Pauli's Palace

1829 - Ludovit Stur, leader of the movement for national consciousness
       of Slovaks, starts to study on the protestant university.

1830 - The last crownation in Bratislava (Ferdinand V.)

1840 - The first horse railway from Bratislava to Svaty Jur.

1843 - L. Stur and his friends agreed on the codification of Slovak language.

1845-48 - Stur publishes Slovenskie narodnie novini and Orol tatranski.

1847 - Opening of the last session of the parliament.

1848 - Ferdinand V. signs the so-called March law - bondage was abolished.

1848 - The first steam train comes from Wien (Vienna).

1850 - Railway to Budapest was opened.

1856 - The first gas-works were built.

1873 - Dynamit Nobel factory was built (today Istrochem)

1884 - The first electric illumination of the streets, the first telephone
       exchange were built.

1886 - The City Theatre building was finished - today's Slovak National Theatre

1891 - The first bridge over Danube was opened.

1895 - Tram lines were opened.

1913 - 79 houses under castle were burnt by the big fire.

1914 - Bratislava-Wien electric train line was opened.

1914-1919 - Elisabeth University, predecessor of Comenius University.

1918 - 27th October - Slovak National Council was created.

1919 - 2nd January - Czechoslovak army takes the city. Bratislava is now
       official name of the city (proposal for "Wilson's Town didn't pass)
       which now belongs to Czechoslovakia (population 83000). Comenius
       University was founded.

1926 - Bratislava radio started broadcasting.

1930 - Population reached 123000.

1937 - 6th October - Demonstration against fascism.

1938 - 8th October - Bratislava became the residence of autonomous Slovak

1939 - 14th March - Bratislava becomes capital of Slovak State.

1943-48 - The tunnel under the castle hill was built

1944 - 16th June - Allies bombard Apollo refinery and the western part of the

1945 - 4th April - The city was liberated by Soviet Army.

1946 - Villages Devin, Dubravka, Lamac, Prievoz, Petrzalka, Raca and Vajnory
       became the parts of the city. Population 191354.

1948 - First films were made in Bratislava.
       25th February - the political overthrow of Communist Party. Communists
       take the executive power.

1949 - Slovak Philharmony was founded.
1951 - Slovak National Gallery was founded.
1953 - Slovak Academy of Sciences was founded.

1953 - Reconstruction of Bratislava Castle started.
1956 - The first TV broadcast.

1959 - Gallery of the City Bratislava was founded.
1960 - Slavin, monument of thank to Soviet soldiers, was built.

1961 - The city has 241796 inhabitants.

1961-75 - Ruzinov habitation with 30420 flats was built.
1967-75 - Karlova Ves habitation was built.

1962 - Slovnaft refinery was connected to gas pipeline Druzba leading from USSR.

1965 - Bratislava Music Celebrations were established.

1968 - 21st August - Invasion of Warsaw treaty armies to Czechoslovakia.
       30th October - At Bratislava Castle, the Federation Law was signed.

1969 - Bratislava became the capital of Slovak Socialist Republic.

1971 - Cunovo, Devinska Nova Ves, Jarovce, Rusovce, Podunajske Biskupice,
       Vrakuna and Zahorska Bystrica became part of the city (302119 inhabit.)

1972 - The New Bridge was built, with cafe on the pylon.

1973 - Started works on Petrzalka habitation.

1984 - Number of inhabitants reached 400 000.

1985 - Highway Bratislava-Malacky (-Brno, Prague) was opened.

1988 - 25th March - Police violently scatters peaceful demonstration
       of Catholics.

1989 - September - Bratislava has the first e-mail link to Internet (via EUnet).

1989 - Number of inhabitants reaches 435 710.
     - 16th November - the first demonstration of students.
     - 22nd November - ca. 100000 people demonstrate on the SNP Square.
     - 27th Nov. - General strike for the support of changes.

1990 - 22nd April - Pope Jan Paul II. celebrates the mass at the airport
       in Vajnory.
     - June - The first free elections after the fall of Communist regime.

1992 - April - The first interactive connection to Internet - 9600 bps SLIP link
               from EUnet backbone (Comenius University, Faculty of Mathematics
               and Physics) to Technische Universitat in Wien.

1992 - June - The second elections, won by HZDS - which leads to the split
              of Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.
     - September 1 - Slovak parliament votes on constitution of the independent
                     Slovak Republic.

1993 - 1st January - Bratislava becomes the capital of the independent
                     Slovak Republic.